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  • Farm to Fork strategy: what does it mean to you?

    Compliance with the rules of sustainable production guarantees tasty and safe food you can use every day. Such actions are standardised and described in the EU’s Farm to Fork strategy. Read what this policy is about and how it contributes to the high quality of food products from the EU.

    What is the Farm to Fork strategy?

    The Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy is a comprehensive 10-year plan of the European Commission announced in May 2020.[i] It indicates a just, safe and environment-friendly food production system. The main goals of the strategy are:

    • Sustainable production of safe food;
    • Promotion of conscious consumption and healthy balanced diets;
    • Reduction of food loss and waste.[ii]

    The scope of the F2F concept encompasses all stages of the food chain – from production and distribution to consumption.[iii] Each Member State puts it into practice by implementing its recommendations on national levels.

    Why does the EU attach great importance to the F2F strategy?

    The Farm to Fork strategy is the first comprehensive policy concerning the food production system. Earlier such actions were conducted on a sector-wide scale and addressed separate issues for agriculture, environment, health and trade.[iv] Currently, the EC’s recommendations are changing the comprehensive approach to food production.

    How does the F2F strategy influence food from the EU?

    With food safety recognised as a priority, EU farms introduced a range of technological changes. They encompass sustainable production technologies, the reduced use of fertilisers and harmonious co-operation between producers and suppliers.[v] They ensure the high quality and safety of food products from the EU.

    What does the Farm to Fork strategy mean to you?

    New regulations guarantee the high quality of plant-based and animal-based products. Food from the EU is certainly worth looking for on shop shelves. When choosing it, you take care of your safety and benefit from the Farm to Fork strategy by enjoying delicious food.



    [i] The official website of the EU Council: https://www.consilium.europa.eu/pl/policies/from-farm-to-fork/ (access: 7.09.2022)

    [ii] Ibid.

    [iii] K. Kot, Strategia od Pola do Stołu – jak wpłynie na produkcję żywności [Farm to Fork Strategy: How It Will Influence Food Production] Bezpieczeństwo żywności w praktyce [Food Safety in Practice] bulletin, no. 24/2020, https://bezpieczenstwozywnosci.wip.pl/nowosci/strategia-od-pola-do-stolu-jak-wplynie-na-produkcje-zywnosci-3880.html (access: 7.09.2022)

    [iv] Ibid.

    [v] Ibid.