Have you ever tasted chokeberries? In this article, you will learn about their high nutritional values and the culinary delights of chokeberry products. Finally, we will explain the benefits you will enjoy when choosing fruits from the European Union.
While ripening at the end of August and the beginning of September, chokeberries are small, navy blue or almost black balls.[i] They are fairly sweet but also tart and a bit astringent because they contain tannin (similarly to red wine).[ii] If you have never tasted them, it is high time you changed it!
These small, dark balls are valuable sources of vitamins and minerals. They contain vitamins B, C, E and K as well as zinc, magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron.[iii]
The most important constituents of chokeberries include polyphenols such as anthocyanins, flavonoids and phenolic acids.[iv] Polyphenols are commonly recognised as potent antioxidants. Depending on the plant variety, crop conditions and the harvest season, 100 g of chokeberries may contain up to 8000 mg of antioxidants.[v] Compared to blueberries, apples, strawberries or cranberries, it is a four-fold larger amount![vi]
Chokeberries are so rich in valuable substances that they are worth being included in your diet. You can easily use them to prepare fruit drink, jam, jelly or syrup. They can be excellently paired with cherries, currants, apples and mint.
Tasty EU chokeberries can be bought unprocessed or in the form of syrups, juices, jams or lyophilisates. You may add them to desserts, cocktails and cakes. As you see, there are lots of ideas!
If you do not like the tart taste of chokeberries, simply freeze them for 48 hours.
The European Union requires food producers to follow the short supply chains, which is actually a return to the traditional distribution systems.[vii] What does it mean to you? Such fruits have the confirmed origin, are of a high quality and taste delicious!
[i] M. Białek, J. Rutkowska, E. Hallmann, Aronia czarnoowocowa (Aronia melanocarpa) jako potencjalny składnik żywności funkcjonalnej, „Żywność. Nauka. Technologia. Jakość”, No 6(85)/2012, p. 25
[ii] Ibidem, p. 24
[iii] A. Szopa, P. Kubica, H. Ekiert, Ekologia, skład chemiczny, działanie prozdrowotne oraz badania biotechnologiczne aronii czarnoowocowej (Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliott), aronii czerwonej (Aronia arbutifolia (L.) Pers.) i aronii śliwolistnej (Aronia x prunifolia (Marsh.) Rehd.), Postępy Fitoterapii, No 2, 2017, p. 149
[iv] Tamże
[v] M. Białek, J. Rutkowska, E. Hallmann, Ibidem, p. 23
[vi] A. Szopa, P. Kubica, H. Ekiert, Ibidem, p. 149
[vii] Biuletyn Krajowego Zrzeszenia Plantatorów Aronii „ARONIA POLSKA”, Aronia... Na zdrowie! Najkrótsza droga z krzewu na stół, 2020, p. 11-12