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  • Learn the secrets of fruit and vegetable production in the EU!

    EU’s priorities in fields and orchards.


    European high cultivation standards and modern production methods translate directly into the quality and safety of European fruit and vegetables.

    The nutritional value and the taste of European fruit and vegetables is an important priority of the European Union. According to European standards, fruit and vegetables on the market are nourishing and grow in a proper and strictly regulated manner.


    According to the Eurostat data, fruit cultivation occupies the area of 2.8 million hectares in the EU.

    Further 2.1 million hectares are set aside for vegetables.


    Taking the production volume into account, the apple could become a symbol of EU agriculture.


    This fruit represents the biggest crops in the EC!

    In 2020, apple crops in the EU totalled 10,711,000 tons.

    In the same year, estimated apple production in Poland was 17% higher than last year (i.e., 3.4 million tons).

    The most popular vegetable is the tomato – last year’s crops totalled ca. 18.5 million tons, which means 36 kg per capita within the EU.

    In 2018, according to the Eurostat data, Poland was the second largest producer of blueberry in the EU, with a share of 24% in the EU’s crops. The growth of these crops started after Poland’s accession to the EU. From that time until the last year, blueberry crops rose from 4,000 tons to over 25,000 tons.



    Scientific field in European farmland.


    The cultivation of vegetable plants in the EU draws upon results of long-year cultivation work of European and world scientists on plant varieties differing in terms of usability for various purposes (consumption of raw products, storage, processing), harvesting (earliness and size of crops), thermal requirements or resistance to diseases and pest.

    Plants are cultivated using various methods: in the field, in greenhouses and film-covered hothouses, drawing, cultivation from seeding in a permanent place or transplanting. Various treatment methods aimed at increasing and improving the quality of crops (e.g., spotlighting of plants, irrigation), new storage methods (cold storage with controlled atmosphere) and various means of production of domestic and foreign origin are used.3


    Fruit and vegetables from the European Union produced with passion and experience by our farmers are a safe and tasty high-quality choice!

