Did you know that in addition to its nutritional value, fresh beef has a variety of uses in the kitchen? Everybody can appreciate its unique taste and versatility. Read more about the various types of beef produced by EU farms and learn more about how to cook it to get the most flavour out of each serving!
Every time we mention beef, we mean unprocessed meat. Like any meat produced in the EU, it comes from well-tested beef cattle, and because of that it has unique qualities. To ensure consumer safety, the meat is also properly labelled.[i]
Farms in the European Union produce three kinds of beef used for cooking – veal, baby beef and beef proper.[ii] The meat does not require long cooking and is suitable for consumption when it is raw (as steak tartare) or medium rare (as steak);[iii] However, the usefulness of beef does not end there – it has many more uses!
Beef is a really versatile meat and there are many uses for it in the kitchen. We decided to list them according to the various cuts:
Other cuts of beef that can be roasted and braised whole are:
There is no doubt that beef is a truly versatile meat. Fresh and high-quality meat can be distinguished by its bloody-red colour, visible bright white marbling and moist surface.[iv] All these features you will find in beef from EU farms. You will surely appreciate its taste when preparing your next delicious dish!
[i] M. Adamski, Uwarunkowania jakości wołowiny kulinarnej, AgroFakt.pl, www.agrofakt.pl/wolowina-kulinarna (retrieved on 15.07.2022)
[ii] P. Wójcik, Prawie wszystko o wołowinie, Warsaw, 2014, p. 19
[iii] E. Bak-Filipek, Uwarunkowania rozwoju rynku wołowiny w Polsce, Warsaw 2021, p. 85
[iv] Ibidem, p. 23.