Tiny blueberry fruits may seem inconspicuous, but they have an amazing taste and a great culinary potential! Have you had an opportunity to taste them? Read why it is good to eat blueberries regularly, how to get the best taste out of them and what are the best qualities of fruit from the EU.
The high blueberry comes from Northern America. It is a long-lived shrub, whose berries form dark blue bunches with light-coloured flesh.[i] They have an aromatic and pleasant taste.
Blueberries are characterised by high nutritive value. They are a source of vitamin C and A and contain a number of other vitamins: niacins, B1 and B2.[ii] By eating 100 g of fruit, you provide your body with hydrocarbons, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium (81.0 mg).[iii] In addition, the blueberry contains even 5 times as many antioxidants as the apple or carrot does.[iv] And, last but not least, blueberry fruits are low in calories. The energy value of 100 g is only 62 kcal!
The blueberry is ideal for raw consumption as an ingredient of savoury dishes and, of course, desserts. You can add it to yoghurt, ice-cream, cocktails and salads. It is a perfect supplement to various cakes. Blueberry products, such as jams, juices, nectars or even cordials, are very popular. As you can see, there are really many ways to eat these delicious little balls!
The highbush blueberry cultivated in the EU has a unique taste and nutritional properties. Its fruits are safe and of high quality because EU farmers follow the rules of the integrated plant protection system.[v] This involves a number of measures:
Not surprisingly, products from Europe are popular among consumers. You can also buy consciously by choosing the safe highbush blueberry cultivated in the EU. Its taste and nutritional value will enrich your diet!
[i] J. Rusnak, Uprawa borówki amerykańskiej, Karniowice 2012, p. 3.
[ii] Ibidem.
[iii] A. Reszka, T. Lesiów, J. Mońka, Uwarunkowania ekonomiczne uprawy i przetwórstwa owoców borówki wysokiej w Polsce, Nauki inżynierskie i technologiczne, no. 2(25)/2017, pp. 57-58.
[iv] J. Rusnak, ibidem.
[v] Metodyka integrowanej ochrony borówki, H. Bryk (ed.), Skierniewice 2013, p. 5.
[vi] Ibidem.